Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

Rachel is out for the evening, so please enjoy this Uncle J exclusive!!

Will was able to come out for kangaroo care with just the nasal oxygen and he enjoyed himself thoroughly!! In fact, he enjoyed himself so much that he just couldn't stop kicking his little legs around when they put him back in the incubator. Personally, I think he was training for the 2030 Olympics (look out Michael Phelps), but there's a rumor going around that he was probably just uncomfortable. In an effort to maximize his comfort level, they asked if he could be swaddled, and the nurses allowed it! As soon as they wrapped him all up, he went right to sleep. While you might think this destroys my 2030 Olympics theory, every great athlete knows that sleep is a crucial part of training. Also, every great athlete knows that proper salt intake is equally important. Therefore, Will demanded an IV to give him a little more saline fluid. It's like the Gatorade for preemies. Also, they were able to lower the level of the CPAP today, and if everything goes according to plan, they're hoping to wean him off by Tuesday!

Tenley continued being her wonderful self today. When Mommy arrived, she was crying demanding her meal. Both her 3:00 and 6:00 meals directly from the source went delightfully well. She gained 2/3 of an ounce since yesterday and her stools are blood-free! Her next challenge is to master the trick of remembering to breathe while eating (it's like chewing gum and walking). Every now and then she gets so into her meal that Mommy has to remind her to breathe by rubbing her back. The same thing happened to Bill two Thanksgivings ago, so I'm not sure if it's a preemie thing or a Kinloch thing.

Both babies continued being the cutest babies in the world.