Will got to be held by Daddy for a long time yesterday. His reflux has been doing pretty well on the continuous feed...a couple of brady's but nothing too serious. They moved the feeding tube further down, to sort-of by-pass his stomach which should also help to reduce some of the reflux. This was working well until Will decided to yank it out..silly little guy! So, they had to put it back in this morning which meant getting an x-ray to make sure it was in the correct spot again. His respiratory test results have been really good so they put him down to the lower CPAP machine today. If they can get his brady's under control, he'll be in a good position for going on the nasal oxygen (which means cuter pictures!). He has his bi-weekly head ultra sound tomorrow - normally they would look for unchanged results but at this point they are looking for some signs of shrinkage.
Tenley was breathing on her own yesterday!!...without the nasal oxygen. They only put it on her during bottle/breast feeds due to the effort involved with actually "working" for the food instead of having it just drip directly into the belly. They did end up putting her back on the nasal oxygen today because she was just exhausted from all the bottle/breast feeds yesterday. They are going to reduce the amount of bottle feeds and hopefully that will help get her back off the nasal oxygen again (she is currently doing 2 bottle feeds, 2 breast feeds and the rest via the feeding tube). The blood in the stool was due to a fissure - a small tear - and it will just heal on its own in due time. When she was bottle fed yesterday, she got down 21CCs and was given the remaining 7CCs via feeding tube.
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