Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

Will playing some hula-hoop
I don't know who got more messy. The adults or the kids?

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23, 2011

Will with his big toothy grin
Tenley looking adorable

Start 'em young, I say

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 22, 2011

A note from Becky:

The program seems really good, just a big adjustment for everyone. They took a baseline of how much & how they ate from us and from a therapist to establish their goals for the program. They both have similar goals of being able to consume 25% of their daily intake orally, to drink a high calorie liquid, and to be more accepting of different foods orally.

Their day starts at 8am with a vital signs check-in with their nurse. Then they go straight to breakfast from 8:15-8:45, then group playtime untill snack at 10:45, then nap. Some more group playtime/therpay untill lunch from 2:30-3. After the first two evaluation days, the children can not see their parents after the nurse check-in untill after the last meal of the day. The parents can watch the meals through a one-way window. This part is very difficult for Bill & I of course!

They have been very tired. Tenley fell asleep during her snack yesterday and they both went to bed at 6:30 last night, which has now become their bedtime since they have to get up around 6am. They have been showing the therapists all their tricks of trying to get out of eating, so they know what they have gotten themselves into!

Thanks to Orthotic Solutions, Williams' AFOs fit much better & he wears them for most of the day now with no irritated areas on his feet. We have special ordered some shoes designed to fit over the AFOs for him. He has been surprisingly very tolerant of his constraint brace on his left hand. He has been wearing it for a few hours every day. While the brace is on, he really uses his right hand for things, but as soon as it comes off he is back to using his left. The therapists will be taking it off for feeding & napping & putting it back on for playtime.

They will have their physical therapy assessments tomorrow, so we will let you know how that goes.

Thanks Everyone!
Becky Kinloch

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20, 2011

Sunday the twins went on a pony ride and visited a mini-petting zoo. Will was all smiles during his pony ride while Tenley was less than pleased. Will also enjoyed petting all the cute animals while Tenley enjoyed playing in their water bowls. Mommy and Daddy forgot their camera, so I apologize for not having pictures.

Day 1 of the Feeding Program went as expected. They got evaluated and will have their program outlined for them tomorrow. During playtime today, Tenley did as she does best and took control of all the toys, even the toys from the oldest kids eventually became hers. The twins will now only be on the blendarized diet for dinner since the program only uses formula for the tube feeds.

In other news, Will has a pony riding session lined up for Sunday.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011

My apologies for the extremely long delay since the last posting. I have a bunch of pictures to post, thanks to cousin Beth, so keep on checking the blog.

The twins start the Feeding Program on Tuesday so I'll have lots to update everyone on. For now, here's the last of some pictures sent in late August

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Tenley certainly didn't observe the Labor Day break. She learned how to walk!

Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2, 2011

Will - looking handsome with some food on his face
Tenley - hands up!
Tenley - soooo sleepy