Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010 - Part II

Bad news is that Tenley didn't get to have a kangaroo hold from Mommy today. The good news is that she didn't get one because she was taken off the CPAP at 11am and is now solely on the nasal oxygen. The nurse just wanted to be extra cautious of her excitement level for today. I'm sure Tenley didn't mind since she was just enjoying not having that itchy thing wrapped around her head today. Now she can spend her down time trying to rip the nasal thingy out of her nose.

Will did not get to have kangaroo time either. Since they have been increasing his food so quickly (he's up to 18CC of milk) they just want to make sure that he keeps it down. Being picked up would cause his stats to raise and may cause him to purge the food up so they just left him be for the day. As long as he keeps holding his food down, they will be increasing his food to 21CC by tomorrow morning. He is now off the steroid (which he was on to help his lungs strengthen while being put on the CPAP at first), one of the anti-biotics, and will be off the second anti-biotic after his dose tonight. That will just leave him with the one anti-biotic for the Meningitis, the Phenobar for the seizures and the TPN for nourishment until he can get on the full feeds for his weight.

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