Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

The twins were 2 weeks old yesterday...

Will is back on the CPAP oxygen machine instead of the little nasal oxygen (not the oscillator or the assisted breathing machine). This isn't too much of a shock as he seemed a bit young to be simply on the nasal oxygen but we definitely weren't complaining. He's up to 6CC's of food every 3 hours now...he was only on 4CCs for 12 hours but digested it all so they decided to up his dose. Since he went to the CPAP machine Mommy wasn't able to hold him today...only because its a bit traumatic to be moved that much in one day. He should be ready for his Kangaroo holds tomorrow. They decided to do his EEG next week and keep him on the Phenobar until then. He did have a catscan done today and it showed no change...which is good! He also has a bit of fluid in his lungs so he will have Lasix treatments as well. (I would like to note that in one of my earlier posts I said Lasix was a powder treatment...It's really an injection that acts as a diarrhetic to rid the fluid out of their little bodies).

Tenley is more stable today and, last I heard, Mommy was hopefully going to be able to hold her today!! Keeping my fingers crossed!! She's up to 8CCs of food and is having no issues with this amount. She is off the NO2 (additional oxygen) and her assisted breathing machine settings were turned down. We originally thought she could perhaps be on the oscillator again today, so this was just glorious news! She is also having another Lasix treatment today.

1 comment:

  1. We just looked at the pictures from Snapfish. WOW! These two little bugs look absolutely amazing and so incredibly precious and cute. And you Billy and Becky look fantastic holding your babies with so much peace and love in your faces. We are so so happy for you and think of you every day and keep our fingers crossed for lots more great news every day and lots more great pictures too please?

    Lots of love,

    Artie, Doreen, Noah, Kolya & Odie
