Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010

Will has gone two days without having a kangaroo hold...hopefully he can have one tomorrow (especially since I'll be there tomorrow - I know - I'm totally biased). His spinal tap test results: still showed red blood cells, white blood cells and low glucose levels which indicates Meningitis. Since he's on anti-biotics, it's likely being controlled enough to not show on the culture but can still be present in the spinal fluid...and Meningitis in a preemie is nothing to take lightly. So, he's on another anti-biotic now which is more specific to killing bacteria in the spinal fluid. He'll be on this for two weeks and will then have another spinal tap to make sure the signs of the infection are gone. Mom noticed his arm was really swollen today so they are keeping an eye on that to make sure he doesn't have another possible infection growing there. Will is scheduled for another EEG this week to once again test for seizure activity. On a more positive note, he is doing quite well on his breathing. They will keep lowering his levels until they can't safely get any lower and will then transfer him back to the CPAP machine. His food was increased to 10CCs today...just a few more days and he'll be back where he should be with 20CCs. His eye exam results were good but both he and Tenley still have to be tested once a week per standard process.

Tenley is up to 20CCs of food. She got to have a 30 minute kangaroo hold with Mom today. During the session, she was put on the nasal oxygen again and it went very well...she was a lot more content than she was with it yesterday. She also had good eye exam results.

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