Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27, 2010

Today was the day they were going to move Tenley's feeding tube back to it's regular position near the stomach. Well, a few times Tenley pulled it up to that spot any way so they didn't really need to do the experiment anymore. She definitely was worse off with the tube down passed her belly. What that means is, the PH test isn't really necessary at this point...the Dr is fairly confident it would result in high PH levels, meaning surgery. To prevent surgery at this point, they are going to switch her to an allergen free formula for two weeks to see if there is any improvement. Basically, the symptoms for allergies and reflux are very similar so they just want to make sure it's not an allergy before jumping right to surgery. Babies cannot be tested for allergies at this age so this is just the easiest way to differentiate between the two. Will is also on this allergen free formula. His first bottle went REALLY well but we don't want to get our hopes up...he is known to have a good bottle then a bad one; however he hasn't had a good one in awhile.

Aunt Jen and Will
Uncle Curt and Tenley
Sleeping Tenley
Will and his mobile

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