Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9, 2010

Ronald McDonald House fed mommy and daddy well tonight. Phillips (a really tasty seafood restaurant) donated the dinner for this evening. There was lots for them to eat and they both took full advantage of this yummy opportunity.

Update on William's lethargic was not, in fact, due to high Phenobar levels as previously suspected. It was due to having a very low blood count (low hematocrit level). Typically, at this point in time, they wouldn't give a blood transfusion so that his body can get use to making blood on its own, however with as low as his level was, they decided to give one today at 4:30pm and another 12 hours after that. The good news is that even with his hematocrit level that low, he did a full 40 minute feed directly from the source! This made a mommy very happy and a certain baby belly very full .... he now weighs in at....5 lbs 2 ozs!!

You know that little string that connects your tongue to your lower jaw? Well, Tenley's is not as far back as it should be, making it very difficult for her to stick out her tongue (Will is going to win those battles I suppose). This also makes it even more difficult for her to drink from the source as it takes a lot of strength / energy with the shortened tongue range. Once she gets accustomed to drinking from a bottle, that will be her primary source of food...not mommy (although the bottle will be full of milk from mommy). This way, she will hopefully pack on the pounds quicker since it is easier to drink from a bottle-top as opposed to mommy. About two days ago they started adding oil to her feeds to help expedite her weight gain....speaking of which ..... 4 lbs 7 ozs!!

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