Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

Not too much going on today. It was a bit of a frustrating day as far as their feeds were concerned. Will only had a few CCs of bottle milk before he started crying pretty badly and Tenley had a mommy feed (although they previously said she wouldn't be having any mommy or bottle feeds for the next few days to help clear her congestion) but she only had maybe 10CCs. Will's feeds are up to 45CCs and Tenley's are still at 40CCs.

Tenley's weight....4 lbs 13 ozs. Will's weight...5 lbs 7 ozs


  1. We need a pic of the new minivan. It is part of the initiation to the club, show it off.

  2. Operation Minivan is still in progress. Once the mission is complete, we shall post pics of the sweet ride.
