Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14, 2010

Well, my Christmas visit with the Kinloch family has come and gone. I cant say I helped decorate but I can say that I kept the parents' bellies as full as possible! The twins are just happy, happy babies. Mommy's new job is .... well, it's a job :) She at least got moved to day shifts for the time being. Mr Mom is doing a great job keeping up with the Dr appointments, phone calls, therapy sessions, etc. Both babies are still fed via a syringe through their bellies. Mom and Dad are slowly trying to incorporate oral feedings however, as of right now, they don't end up eating much of what's put into their mouths. In April or May they will start an all day Feeding program which will hopefully get their eating skills jump started.

1 comment:

  1. i am impressed! it is not easy keeping billy's belly full!the kids look adorable! you guys are doing an amazing job!
