Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 10, 2018

There are often times when the questions just do not have answers - today was one of those days. At approximately noon today, Tenley experienced what we are guessing at this point to be a 30 second seizure. Afterwards, she was justifiably confused and scared but did not seem to suffer any long-term ill effects. Luckily Mommy was there during the seizure and Daddy was able to take her to Frederick Memorial Hospital afterwards. She was released later in the afternoon, and there is still a lot of uncertainty around what caused the seizure. She’ll be seeing her doctors in the days ahead to try to get a better grasp of what, exactly, happened.

While this was very difficult on the entire family, Tenley did her best to keep everyone’s spirits up, as shown in this video. We’ll hopefully get more information in the days ahead. In the meantime, please keep Tenley and the entire family in your thoughts & prayers.

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