Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

Maryland got roughly 8 inches of snow yesterday which means Mommy has been stuck at work since she left home yesterday morning. Her company put her up in a hotel, however the power went out soon after her check-in and the loud snow plows kept her awake the majority of the night. Worst of all, this is the first time she has gone without seeing her babies for this amount time. She is trying to stay in good spirits. Daddy is thinking of driving to her work today with the twins (if the roads are OK) so she can see them for a little while during lunch. Hang in there, sis!


  1. i AM SICK OF THIS SNOW ALREADY!!!Bring on Spring. Hang in there Becky.

  2. i know that feeling, i've been stuck at work before and not seen my lil ones for a couple of days, it SUUUUUUUCKS! at least there is a chance billy can bring the kids by, i didnt want my kids to visit me in tha ghetto...ha! hang in there becky!!
