Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010

I'm all out of photos after these so if you have any, please send to me.

Tenley is still having issues being able to get her blood work checked. They just can't seem to find her central line. So, they are going to break the blood work up into separate sessions now and just do a heel prick instead. It will take a few more visits to get all the blood necessary for all the needed tests, but at least they won't be poking her for no reason anymore.

Tenley weighed in at around 10 lbs 9 ozs and Will was around 12 lbs 7 ozs.

Will examining himself in the mirror while enjoying tummy time on the boppy
Tenley enjoying the boppy
Is that a Tenley smile??


  1. What a pretty princess, Tenley.Keep up the good work on the boppy Will and Tenley!

  2. they are absolutely adorable! i dare say they get cuter and cuter with each posted picture!
