Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010

The babies are still progressing well. Will has done well on 5ccs of milk an hour and is going up to 10cc's. Tenley is up to her full feeds (continuously...not all at once) and has even had it increased slightly to adjust for her weight gain. Will still enjoys crying for the nurses' even when he doesn't really need anything.. he just likes the attention. As soon as the nurse comes over and gives him a little attention, he falls right back asleep.

Will sleeping peacefully on Father's Day
Tenley finally reunited with her birdies and crib

PS - (Uncle J here...)Pssssst...It's Rachel's 30th birthday today.

1 comment:

  1. You little one's look fabulous, keep up the speedy recovery!
    love to All,
    The Pittsburgh Gang
