Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010

What a great day!!!
What a day for the Kinloch family. Mom was able to hold Will! Thats right, Becky was finally able to hold one of her babies...her son. :) All I know is that it was some sort of hold called the "Kangaroo"? ... Will was nestled in her tank top and immediately calmed down after being a bit bothered by all the movement. My Dad was there to take pictures so I will be posting those sometime tomorrow. There's still a long road ahead but as long as there are days like this, it makes it all seem so much easier.

Tenley is still a fussy little thing and is sometimes too busy fussing to actually sleep. She may be put on a stronger pain med which will help her get that valuable sleep she needs. X-Ray results today found a bit of fluid in her lungs. A little bit of powder was injected to hopefully absorb it big worries there. Daddy arrived in the evening to change her poopy diaper and inject her tri-hourly feeding.

1 comment:

  1. what great news!!!! thanks for the daily updates! now hurry up with the pics!
